Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC), the road infrastructure developer of the most industrialised state in the country, has toll rates for its newly constructed roads fixed and notified till the year 2052. The toll rates are revised after every three years. The details can be seen from todays Economic times. Table A shows tool rates of the Projects within 20 crores and Table B shows toll rates of the Projects within 20-75 crores.
Classification of vehicles
1-Two wheelers, Rickshaws- No toll
2A-Car, jeep, Tata Sumo, mini bus(less than 12 passengers) etc
2B-Mini Bus (Passengers between 12-20 only)
3-Truck and Bus
4-Tractor, Trailer , Multi Axle Vehicles etc.
Table A- Projects within 20 crores
Year 2A 2B 3 4
1/4/1998- 30/6/2001 8 12 25 40
1/7/2001- 31/3/2004 10 15 30 50
1/4/2004-31/3/2007 10 20 40 60
1/4/2007-31/3/2010 15 20 45 70
1/4/2010-31/3/2013 15 25 55 85
1/4/2013-31/3/2016 20 30 65 100
1/4/2016-31/3/2019 25 35 75 120
1/4/2019-31/3/2022 30 45 90 145
1/4/2022-31/3/2025 35 50 105 170
1/4/2025-31/3/2028 40 60 130 200
1/4/2028-31/3/2031 50 70 150 240
1/4/2031-31/3/2034 60 90 180 290
1/4/2034-31/3/2037 70 100 220 350
1/4/2037-31/3/2040 80 120 260 410
1/4/2040-31/3/2043 100 150 310 490
1/4/2043-31/3/2046 120 180 360 580
1/4/2046-31/3/2049 140 210 430 700
1/4/2049-31/3/2052 170 250 520 830
15 years ago